1. August has arrived, and I am more than ready for summer vacation to be over now.
The weeks of entertaining, feeding, disciplining, and cleaning up after everyone for 14-16 hours a day have finally caught up with me and I am about ready to quit this job.
The pay is terrible after all :)
2. I took the kids outside first thing this morning in an attempt to beat the heat. We read our scriptures on the porch and drank smoothies. By 9:00 it was too hot to be out and we moved indoors. The air conditioning has really been put to work this summer.
3. All I need.....
plus extra chocolate, peanut butter, air conditioning, and sleep.
4. This Veggie Mediterranean Quiche looks fabulous!
5. A great idea
It's the weekend, but I'm a mom and Ty is working.
It's okay though because even though it is hot and the pay is terrible and sometimes it can be unbearable......I love my family and I am thankful for the time we have been given.
Happy Friday!
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