
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday Things

1. Mia has decided that she is no longer eating meat. She has been asking about where all of our food comes from for a while and she has recently become very disturbed that animals are killed for food. Last night she was trying to convince Zackary that he needed to stop eating his beloved Mcdonald's cheeseburgers to save more cows. Zackary (who was holding a plastic toy gun at the time) replied, "I will kill the animals."
I think he will not be joining Mia in her quest for vegetarianism.....
I told Mia that I will support her decision, but we had a little discussion about nutrition and how she will need to eat more nuts and beans to get her protein. I am hoping this will actually work to my advantage in getting her to eat better. We shall see!

2. Last week when Ty and I went out my brother watched the kids for us. Before we left I told Zackary that he would need to be a helper and babysit Zoey. I thought it might help with his overall behavior if he had a little responsibility. Ever since that night he has been extra kind to Zoey and very helpful with her. He tells me all the time what a good babysitter he is and I agree!

3. I found this quote yesterday and I love it!
It reminds me of this quote by President Hinkley:
We are children of God who are filled with potential. We should be striving for excellence in all that we do. 

These look pretty awesome, but I can't help thinking that I would love to use a peanut butter cookie dough in place of the chocolate chip! That's just me and my obsession for all things peanut butter coming out.

5. Max continues to surprise and impress me all the time. He has started reading the scriptures on his own. He likes to read a chapter here or there and everywhere throughout the books and then report to me what he has read. He is a great example to me and really keeps me on my game. If he is reading his scriptures then I had better be reading mine!

6. One more thought!
This quote from Mother Teresa:
As a mother I can really appreciate this one.
My days are filled with many small things. Sometimes I forget how important those small things are to my children and how much it means to them that those things are done with love.
I can make pancakes with great love.
I can style hair with great love.
I can read stories with great love.
I can do laundry with great love.

These are all small things, but what a wonderful idea to do them with love.

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Beach Day

 We ran away to the beach today.
We took the kids out of school. I needed this day!
We took the toll roads to Laguna and it just so happened to be the most beautiful beach day!
 I always seem to pick days when the coast is overcast and cold, but today there was nothing but blue skies and a cool breeze. It was ideal!
 Max and Mia love the water. I had them keep long sleeves shirts on to avoid too much sun. This was our first beach trip this year and I was worried about their little white bodies.
 I just love this view!
 We love Laguna because we can plant ourselves in a spot that is right next to the water and close to the playground as well. Zoey is a playground type of girl :)
 Ty was building a castle for the kids. The kids were "helping".
 Zoey really enjoyed all of the sand.
She didn't mind getting covered in it and at one point she was rolling in the sand!
She needed a bath as soon as we got home.
 Zackary prefers the sand to the water.
 He did say that his favorite part of the day was "seeing the ocean."
He is the cutest boy.
 Pure joy on the swings.
 Mia riding a dolphin at the playground.....
After the beach, a sandy lunch, and lots of play we took the kids out for ice cream. I don't know what it is about the sunshine that makes kids starving. They never eat anything at home, but today at the beach they ate anything they were given. I guess we need to move to the beach :)
While the kids and Ty were eating ice cream I made a quick stop at Whole Foods.
The Whole Foods stores carry these dark chocolate mini chunks and I love them!
After the shopping we headed home because today is my mom's birthday and we are having a little celebration for her at our house.
I made this Banana Nutella Swirl cake with Nutella Buttercream.
I think it is going to be delightful!!

Have a FABULOUS Friday and a GREAT weekend!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Little Faces

 Someone in this house is almost always armed ;)
Zackary spent most of this morning building a fort in his room and getting ready to defend it. Too bad there was no one around but Zoey and I to fight against.
Zoey has been spending the day with me. She is always very near to wherever I am. We built her a fort of her own under my desk, but instead of plastic guns it is filled with bouncy balls.

I love my special time with these littles!

Thursday Things

 1. It has been a very busy and full week! I am so glad that for this week Thursday is my Friday!!!
Ty has tomorrow off and we are taking the kids out of school for a fun day :)

The kids have never made candy before and this might be a project they could handle. I also think the entire family would benefit from our efforts!

 3. I came across this recipe for Avocado Chocolate Chip Cookies at Eat Live Run.
There is an entire avocado used in the cookie batter. I have one ripe avocado left in my fruit basket. I am sure it would love to be made into cookies :)

4. I love this denim vest from Anthropologie.
 I would love to find something similar that wasn't quite so expensive.

5. Zackary has a new favorite line....When I ask him to do something he likes to tell me that he can't, because he is busy right now.
It makes me laugh every time.

Happy Thursday!!!!

A Little Love

Yesterday my brother came to watch the kids so that Ty and I could go out for a Wednesday night date.
We went out to Palm Desert to eat dinner at a very swanky and expensive steakhouse. (Thanks to the drug reps for paying btw....)
The food was delicious and the people were all so kind. There was a presentation and lots of discussion about anesthesia and different medications. It was all mumbo jumbo to me, but it was very interesting to listen in on! 
I am so impressed with Ty. I am amazed with all of the knowledge he has gained through all of his years of school and continued study. I am so thankful that he is ever willing to work so hard for me and for our family. He has made it so that our lives at home can be comfortable, safe, and happy. Ty has always been good to me. I love him so much.
I don't always appreciate him like I should.
I am thankful for the moments that remind me just how awesome he is. He deserves all of my love!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Cupcake Dreaming

Monday is going well!
We made it to speech and we picked up all of the kindergartners and got them safely home :)
I still have to pick up Max, make it to a doctor's appointment, and do karate tonight, but it's okay! 

On a happy Note!!!
Ty has Friday off this week so we are planning for a beach day! Of course we will be making a stop at Sprinkle's Cupcakes in Newport :)

(My mom got this shirt for me and I love it, because it is just so very true!)
I got on the Sprinkle's website today to check out the flavors they will have on Friday. SO many choices!
I am thinking the Dark Chocolate, or the Earth Day Vanilla, or the S'more.....We may have to buy several.

 Happy Monday!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

More Friday

 I spent a good part of the sunny afternoon in the dirt.
The soil in our yard is rocky and weedy. I was hoeing and digging trying to get the ground ready for a few plants.
It was messy and I did not get a lot of enjoyment out of the process. I ended up with a little row of tomatoes, sugar snap peas, and strawberries. I did feel good about the project and I hope I can have more fun with it as I figure it out!

After the gardening experience I did a little baking.
I made some cookies. I used a combination of homemade nutella and peanut butter to create some really good gluten-free cookies. I cut them up and had everyone do a taste test. All of the tasters were very positive :)
 We fired up the grill for the first time this season.
We cooked the first steaks from our new beef. The propane tank on the grill was leftover from last summer and it ran out of gas just about halfway through cooking the steaks. I was able to close the lid and keep in enough heat so the steaks cooked through. They were so good!
Max's friend Ian was here to play all afternoon.
He left after dinner and Zoey was saying goodbye.
 I think she may have been considering an escape!
Tonight we are watching The Hobbit with the kids. I think Max will enjoy it, but I don't know about the other little ones. I may have to bribe them with candy!

I love weekends!

A few Friday finds

I would love to do this in our bathrooms!
It looks like a doable project and I think it would add a ton of character to what we currently have :)
(Tutorial HERE)

 Granola is my go to breakfast and I am slightly addicted. I look forward to eating it every morning!
I am so very excited that I purchased quinoa and now I can make and eat this granola!!
(Read the post about this granola. It is hilarious! I agree too well that granola without chocolate is well.....nothing!)

One more calorie bomb before we begin our weekend.
 No-Bake Peanut Butter S'mores Bars (from Little Kitchen Big Bites)
They look ridiculous in a good way.

I am off to spend the afternoon in the yard. There is lots of weeding and planting to be done. This is the year that I become a gardener/yard worker/whatever it's called.....I will let you know how that works out.

Have a fabulous Friday!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Sometimes, when Ty works long hours for several days, I will send him a picture of myself with a caption like this; "Do you recognize this person?"
or"Just saying hi!"
 Sometimes Zoey photobombs and sometimes I wear the same thing :)
(FYI: my hands are not that huge in real life.)
 Sometimes Ty sends pictures back.....

Ty is working late tonight, but then he will come home for 3 whole days! His first days off in 2 weeks :)
I am so excited!!! and so is my honey-do list ;)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday Things

I love Nike's. I can't help it. 
I would like a pair of THESE
(the red ones are super cute as well!)

Perfect for a Wednesday afternoon :)

I have been an avid jogger for years. I have really enjoyed it. This year I am turning 30. I have had 4 kids and my body is not the same as it was when I started running.
A few months ago I started strength training and switched up my jogging routine to include less miles and more intervals. It has been great for me. Ty has recently started an exercise routine as well. I found this May muscle workout schedule and I think it would be really fun to do it as a couple :)

I really like this quote from Marjorie Pay Hinkley.
I am constantly trying to impress upon my children the importance of work in our lives. I talk about the work they do at school and at home. I tell them about what Ty does at work and the work that I do at home. We all have work to do. All of our work is important and we might as well give it our all and do the best job possible.

Have a great Wednesday!

The Babies

Little Miss Zoey loves her babies!!!
Zoey has several soft baby dolls that have been given to her. The doll she is pushing in the stroller is Mia's and it is her absolute favorite!
She gives the doll hugs and kisses :)
She brings me the doll and wants me to give the doll hugs and kisses as well.

I love her sweetness.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Another horrific tragedy.
These events are so powerful. They rock the world. It is amazing how quickly information and news spread once something like this has happened.
I am so sad for Boston.
I am so sad for the world!
I hope that we can move forward and be better. I pray that we can be better followers of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is and always has been our great and only hope.
We cannot save ourselves and we cannot save each other, but He can save us all.
All we can do is turn to Him and then try to exemplify Him in our words and actions and deeds.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday has been cancelled

I guess I really wasn't ready for Monday!
After looking over the plan for today I decided that I would need to reschedule Mia's dermatology appointment this afternoon for another day. Her appointment was at 4:00 and Max has karate at six. The appointment was all the way in Loma Linda and I really didn't think we could make it back in time for karate. I called and cancelled the appointment and said I would call back to reschedule after I had a chance to look over my calendar. About 5 minutes later I was talking to my mom and she said that she could take Mia to her appointment this afternoon so that I could still get Max to karate. I called the dermatology office back, but they had already given away her spot!!!! They had an opening for this morning at 11, but that would mean I would have had to leave the house immediately and take Mia out of school and then head out to Loma Linda......I decided to hang up the phone and try to find a dermatologist a little closer to home. Maybe I will do that tomorrow......
Also....Zack is still a little sick with his cough. I decided to cancel his speech session for this morning. It seemed immediately after cancelling that he was filled with energy and vigor. He was running around the house and attacking Zoey. It made me feel just grand about cancelling his therapy.

So there you have it. Monday has begun and I have cancelled the day.
At least Max will be able to go to karate tonight and at least we have beef to make taco salad.
I am going to use all of my extra time today to make some homemade nutella. I went to the store this morning with a very specific list:


They were out of Nutella. Zackary was devastated. At least I have hazelnuts so that I can make my own. At least I have a Vita-Mix that has the power to pulverize nuts and make them into something amazing!!!!
(Have I ever mentioned how much I adore my Vita-Mix blender......never one regret over that purchase!!!)

Anyway....extra time = homemade nutella for Zack to eat with strawberries (which they did have at the store.) and for me to make THESE cookies. (there must be cookies somewhere in this post.)

How is your Monday going???
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ready for Monday????

 We are all a little worn out tonight!
Ty worked a long week last week and ended it with a quick trip to Utah and back on Friday(no joke....he drove to Utah and back in one day!) to pick up a couple hundred pounds of beef.
He has been on call all weekend. He left the house just after six on Saturday morning and got home around 5 am today. I tried to keep everyone quiet while we got ready for church this morning so that Ty could sleep a little before he had to head back at work at noon! To our great relief he was able to switch his originally scheduled 14 hour day tomorrow for an 8.....Woohoo :) bright skies ahead!
 Zackary woke up this morning with a bit of a cough. I didn't think too much of it as we went about our day but this afternoon I found him passed out on the couch. Zackary rarely takes naps. Especially the voluntary kind. He was just not feeling well, poor little guy!
Ty was able to come home and have dinner with us. We are hoping he gets to stay put for the rest of the night!
I made the Rockslide Bars! I through them together after the kids had finished off most of the nutella with a container of strawberries and there was only 1/4 cup left. I substituted 1/4 cup of peanut butter for the rest. They were way more decadent than your basic rice krispy treat. 

Nothing like a little chocolate to end the weekend!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday Things

1. What I'm listening to lately:
I spent about an hour dancing around to THIS song on repeat yesterday afternoon. I now have it memorized. My kids think I am so awesome :) 
Just a little FYI. The Band Perry is made up of a group of siblings.
Also....THIS one by Kelly Clarkson. I love it!

2. I want to eat this Vegetarian Taco Salad from the yummy mummy all summer long!!!!

3. Today has been one of those Thursdays. I have thought it was Friday all day long and I have had to keep reminding myself that we still have one more day!!!! This makes me long for summer and taco salad even more. 

4. I need a reason to make these Chocolate Nutella Rockslide Bars.
(If it takes too long I may just make up a reason, like....Zoey really wants to try Chocolate Nutella Rockslide Bars.)

5. I am in desperate need of summer clothing. I need shorts, shirts, and a swimsuit. If anyone would like to pick some out for me I will pay you.

Happy Friday.....I mean Thursday!
Have a good one!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sugar and Spice

 Zoey has been fighting me really hard when it comes to her daily nap.
I am not ready to give in. This little girl is not yet 18 months old and she would have you believe that she no longer needs a nap. 
She does :)
There is nothing sweeter than a little sleeping Zoey.
 Zoey loves to be wrapped up in blankets or towels or sheets.
She knows where all of the blankets are kept and she will go and get herself one.
 Mia can be a wonderful big sister to Zoey.
Zoey thinks Mia is the coolest person on the planet so when she pays her a little bit of attention happiness follows.
 I love it when these little faces are smiling and laughing!
I am so lucky to have these little girls. I appreciate all of the sugar and spice they bring into my life!