
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

 The girls and I spent the afternoon at home together.
The boys were off with my parents and Ty was at work.
We made treats for our little New Year's Eve celebration.
Mia and Zoey made these all by themselves! Mia mixed together the ingredients and then they spooned the mixture into mini muffin liners and topped them with sprinkles. I was very impressed!
I made guacamole and served hummus with carrots.
The kids got party poppers.
We danced to our favorite music and the party was over by 6:30 :)
The kids and I are spending the rest of the evening watching movies on the couch.

Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014


 It is cold!
It might even snow tonight in Beaumont.
I got a new woven hat for Christmas and I have actually been able to wear it!
 I made a loaf of fabulous bread! 
Bread baking on cold days is delightful. Plus the house smells amazing!
 The kids have been in movie watching mode. Yesterday it was Star Wars and today they discovered Wizards of Waverly Place.
 We put a puzzle together.
 I did more baking....any excuse to turn the oven on and heat up the house.
Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins. They were really good!
These 2 fell asleep in front of the fire.
Such a perfect place to be!
We are enjoying our little taste of winter!
Sunday, December 28, 2014


1. So 2014.....I seem to remember the year starting out super busy for Ty at work. He told me things should calm down soon, because they would be hiring some extra help at work. We are ending the year with Ty being super busy at work. He keeps saying things will slow down as soon as they hire some people.....
I know I shouldn't complain! I am so thankful that Ty has such a stable job that he enjoys. I am so thankful that I can be home with my sick kids (who are all still sick btw....), and not worry about missing work myself.
We are blessed, but the days and weeks are sometimes long.
Ty worked 24 hours from Friday to Saturday morning and then went back in for an all-nighter last night. He will be headed back in the morning and working every day until next Tuesday.

2. I am looking forward to 2015.
I have some resolution ideas. Nothing I will write down and share I think, but I always love a new beginning.
I am also excited for New Year's Eve. I want to have a little party with the kids. Nothing outrageous, but just enough so that they can remember the fun!

3. Seeing as Ty worked all night and I am still staying home with sick children, we won't be going out today. My big plans involve some brown bananas that have been sitting on the counter.
I will be baking up a batch of delicious looking banana bread! I haven't tried this recipe before, but it looks so yummy!

4. Christmas Present Review:
Max's favorite: The MIP Robot....He has been playing with it non-stop and has already gone through one set of batteries. He is also enjoying his new rollerblades quite a bit.

Mia's favorite: Mia got a My Generation Horse Stable and horse. I was super impressed with the quality and Mia loves it!

Zack's favorite: We got Zack a minion operation game and it has been a huge hit! Everyone loves the plasma car he got too!

Zoey's favorite: Zoey has been too sick to do much, but she has been cuddling non-stop with the kitten baby doll she got for Christmas. 

4. I guess it's time to start looking ahead! We have Ty's birthday coming up in January and Valentine's Day in February.
There is always something to look forward to!
I love THIS idea for teacher gifts!

5. Hopefully we can get everyone back to good health soon. We know it will just  take time. Time is precious!

Have a great week!
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

 We had to change our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day plans just a little, because all of the kids ended up getting sick!
We tried to make merry while spending the days on the couch watching movies.
I made armies of gingerbread men.
 We finished the 25 days of Christ countdown. I loved it!

 For Christmas Eve I made lots of appetizers and desserts.
 My brothers were here!
So were my parents. We played lots of silly games and had a great time.
 This morning there were lots of gifts.....
 The men....My dad, My youngest brother Jamison (he is 6 foot 6 inches tall), My younger brother Joel (he looks super happy), My Ty :) ( he looks very short!)
 My mom....pretending she is not totally photogenic.
 Little Miss Zoey. Riding along on a new Christmas toy.
 I love tile floors :)
 Max got his robot.
 Ty really spoiled me this year.
A couple of my favorite gifts were this cookbook from Baked.....
 and this Kate Spade mug that I have wanted forever!
After all the presents everyone was starving. I made waffles and a chile relleno casserole.
I finally finished cleaning and now everyone is going back to bed!

Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 23, 2014


 We are getting ready for Christmas!
My youngest brother is flying in from Utah this afternoon and we are getting together with my parents and my older brother's family for dinner at our house.
I am making lots of potatoes!

Zoey has been dressed as a little witch all day. Not at all Christmas - y, but she is very cute!

What do you make for Christmas Eve dinner?
Any traditions?
Last year I made a great big lasagna and it went over really well. I was able to make it ahead too! This year I am sticking with what works and making a big baked pasta, filled with spinach, sun dried tomatoes, and cheese.

I am making THIS for dessert.
Dessert is always easy!

We have been busy trying to cross all of the Christmas traditions off our list this year. Ty and I watched, "It's A Wonderful Life" over the weekend. Such a great movie :)
Last night for Family Home Evening we watched, "Mr. Kreuger's Christmas". I love that one too!

Ty will be home for Christmas Eve and for Christmas Day! I can't wait to have him home for all of the fun!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Gingerbread Houses

 Today was the annual gingerbread house building party at the library.
Last year I took Max and Mia and we had a blast so I made sure to sign us up again. This time I brought all 4 kids along!
 Everyone got a plate filled with candy, pretzels, and graham crackers, as well as a big bowl of frosting.
 Decorating is so much fun when you can make a mess on plastic tablecloths and spill onto a floor that is not your own.
 It was really fun! The kids got very creative.
 Max had a style all his own.
 Even Zoey built a little house.
 Almost all the houses survived the drive home. Mia's turned into a pile of graham and frosting.
It was a fun way to spend our afternoon. The Christmas season is just flying by!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Life Lately

 I found these little gingerbread jars at Ross and I had to buy them! I made a big batch of hot chocolate mix and filled up all three jars. (We tested out the mix on Sunday and it was delish!)
The kids took the jars to school as teacher gifts. I thought it was adorable.
 I got a happy little phone call from Max yesterday. He was calling from school at about 1:45 to tell me that he was performing with the honor band at 2:00!
I grabbed Zoey and we drove as fast as we could to the school.
 We made it just in time and I loved every minute of the performance. Max did great!

 We had our Bishopric caroling FHE last night. I loved all of the singing....probably more than anyone else did.
After caroling everyone came back to our house for cookies and cocoa.
No one left until 9:30! I was tired!

I am trying to stay on top of my to-do list!
9 days until Christmas :)
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Saturday Stuff

1. I watched THIS video twice yesterday!
Christmas spirit guaranteed to follow!

2. Thanks to all the rain we received everything is starting to look green again. The mountains even got some snow! Rain is a good thing!
(see song reference HERE)

3. Poor Max woke up with a bad cold. I made him some hot cider. He will be spending the weekend wrapped in blankets and reading Harry Potter.

4. I recently read a post on a popular blog that detailed the things that every girl needs to be happy and healthy.
I used her list and came up with my own answers to fill each need. 

A go to drink - chocolate :)

 A go to Karaoke Song - "Ho-Hey" by the Lumineers ( I really don't sing much karaoke, but I do an awesome version of this song in my kitchen!)

A Uniform - yoga pants, warm socks, sweaters.....I think this is a totally acceptable uniform.... (very comfortable too!)

A good hairstylist - Me, myself, and I.
( I haven't been to a hairstylist in years and I am okay with that )

 An Exercise Routine - I run.
Running is my therapy!

A Hobby - This was a tough one....I run (can my exercise routine be a hobby too?), I bake/cook (mostly to feed my family, but for fun too), I read...(fitness magazines count right?), Pinterest.....pinning all the things every day!

A Best Friend - EASY....Ty
(he really is!)

A Healthy Sense of Self - I am a daughter of God
(That's good enough for me)

5. I bought really cute little gingerbread house jars to fill with hot chocolate mix and pass out as teacher gifts. That is what I will be working on today!

Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 10, 2014


We took the kids out to see some awesome Christmas light displays.
There is a neighborhood that goes all out that we like to visit each year.
We parked our car at the start so that we could walk through the neighborhood. It was pretty magical!
Max and Mia were very excited to see the Grinch.
There were all kinds of lights and decorations. It was a very fun and festive evening!

Monday, December 8, 2014


Happy Monday!

Zoey and I are home today. Food Network is on to inspire us to do all of our holiday baking. Zoey is wearing her Christmas socks, and no pants, for the occasion.

Toblerone bars were on sale at the store this morning. I tried to talk myself out of them, but I lost and the Toberone bars came home with me.

I met with Zackary's teachers at school this morning for an IEP meeting. It went really well. I am so pleased with all that Zackary is doing right now and how hard he is working. It is always nice to meet with the team of people who are working with him.

It was amazing! I am going to make more for FHE treat tonight.

Ty's work Christmas party is coming up this weekend. I never know what to wear to those things.
No matter what I wear, we have a babysitter coming to stay with the kids, and I am just looking forward to spending an evening with Ty!

Have a great week!

Saturday, December 6, 2014


1. Oh weekend. We are so happy you are here!
I woke up and ran a 10K.
It was wonderful.
Then I sat myself down with a mug of hot chocolate and lost all motivation to do anything else.

2. Our family pictures are done!
Here is a little snippet for you:

I think they turned out great!

3. Max watched all 7 Harry Potter movies over the Thanksgiving break and now he is completely hooked.
He finished the first two books and he is working on the third!

4. I am working on my menu for Christmas Eve / Christmas Morning. THESE Cinnamon Rolls look amazing!
(FYI: we are just 19 days away from Christmas! This month comes and goes SO quickly!)

5.  I am excited to watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional tomorrow night. I am trying to keep our Christmas Christ centered and watching this devotional always helps remind me what Christmas is really about!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


1. Day 3 of December and so far we are having a wonderful month! We started our 25 days of Christ on Sunday so that we could finish before Christmas. I love the little extra spirit it has brought into our home each day!

2. Zackary brought home a chocolate filled advent calendar from school yesterday. The kids were quick to catch up to the current day and they are really excited to open another door tomorrow!

3. Biscotti has been an unexpectedly huge hit at our house. I made a batch over the weekend. I think the idea of a cookie stick is one that the kids really enjoy.
Biscotti moment!! :)

4. I have been loving Gilmore Girls all over again since it came to Netflix in October. Such a happy show!

5. I need to tell the world about the wonderful combination that is Amazon Prime and the gift guides found on Pinterest.
My Christmas shopping was a breeze! It is all done and I feel great about what I got for the kids!
Highly recommend!

6. Speaking of Christmas gifts....The shopping was a breeze, but now I have a guest room filled with presents that need to be wrapped.
Ty and I like to have wrapping parties this time of year. We put the kids to bed and drink hot chocolate and try to get things wrapped.
We have been so busy...Ty has not been home....since last week, so maybe tomorrow night!

Happy Wednesday! Just 2 more days until Friday!
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Gingey Project....and more

 Mia has been working on a special assignment for school. It is the Flat Gingey Project, inspired by Flat Stanley.
 Flat Gingey has been tagging along with us during our everyday fun. She is in the car, helping us make Christmas cookies.....
 decorating the tree....
 and sampling fudge.
 We have been taking lots of pictures of Mia with Gingey and she will be putting them all together along with her own story about Flat Gingey's adventures.
 Mia is such a cute girl!

Now onto something completely different: Max!
 Max was just moved into advanced band at school. This means one more trip to and from the school during the week for me, but I am happy he is enjoying music so much!