
Friday, February 15, 2013


Friday has arrived and the good things are piling up.

One of my friends is picking up the kids from school today so I am ready to hit the weekend button and enjoy!

Mia and Ty are going to Mia's daddy-daughter sweetheart dance tonight at Mia's school. I want to go out and buy a corsage, but that may be a bit much for a five year old!

I mentioned that Max has been reading the Diary of a Whimpy Kid series. He just finished "Dog Days", so this morning I picked up the movie from Redbox. He is excited to compare the book to the movie.

I am going to make a bunch of cookies for our movie night. Cookies like these:

In other news....
A friend of mine discovered THIS mug
and I need it.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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