
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Super Zoey

 Zoey and I were at Ross yesterday shopping for sheets for our guest bed. I didn't find anything I liked so we were getting ready to leave when Zoey spotted this gem of a set.
 A pink super hero cape and mask.
She had to have it. I told her if I bought it for her it was going to be her Halloween costume. She agreed. She has decided that she is Barbie, Princess Power. (if you do not have 3 year old girls and do not watch the barbie movies you may not know what that means!)
 She keeps asking me if there is anything she can do to help me, because she is a super hero!
She is adorable :)
Onto school today!
We did a little math:
 This was a new activity and it went over really well! It gave Zoey a chance to work on her cutting and pasting skills as well.
We reviewed letter "G", and read a few more stories.
 Then we went to the grocery store!
Yesterday we played grocery store at home and today we took a list with lots of pictures so that Zoey could find everything. We didn't need to buy everything on the list but we made sure to find everything!
Monday, September 28, 2015

G is for Grocery Store

 This week we are working on the letter G.
We started by getting to know the letter G. What it looks like and what sounds it makes.
 Zoey did some handwriting practice and some letter recognition.
 We read some grocery store related stories....It was hard to find books based on the grocery store, but we did find a few. Mostly about children behaving badly in the cart. Interesting....that must happen often :)
After that we had to run Zoey to speech therapy, but when we got home we were ready to go again. We used Zoey's little shopping cart and an old wallet of mine to create a little grocery shopping experience in the kitchen.
 During her first round of shopping, Zoey selected only chocolate milk. She said it was all that she needed!
 The next time she bought popcorn and bread. Perfect accompaniments to the chocolate milk!
After that we did a little math. 
Now we are getting ready to run some errands before picking Zack up from school. The days go by so quickly!
Thursday, September 24, 2015

More Fall

 We started school today with THIS Fall video. We talked about the leaves and fall colors again!
 We did a sequencing activity with an apple pie theme!
 Zoey colored the big letter F.
 and then made it out of play-doh. She also made play-doh pumpkins all on her own, because we had talked about pumpkins in Fall!
We made some cookies using THIS recipe.
Later we are making more pumpkin bread to finish off our fall themed preschool week.
I felt like this week went really well. I am looking forward to Friday!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

F is for Fall

 Today is the Fall Equinox! We live in Southern California and it is supposed to be 100 degrees for the next few days, but we are very good at pretending! I light pumpkin scented candles and turn down the air conditioning. It is time for fall!
First thing for preschool today we changed our little calendar from summer to fall.
 I talked about fall and explained about leaves changing colors and falling to the ground. Autumn is a mystical magical thing around here!
We read a few fall themed books.
 Zoey colored a maple leaf.
 We made a mini emergent reader fall book. I was surprised at how well Zoey was able to read along to the book. Even though it was very simple!
Yay Fall!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Happy Birthday Zackary!

 Today is Zackary's 6th birthday!
We have been celebrating for several days already. On Sunday we had a family get together with Zack's favorite homeade meal, biscuits and gravy. Yesterday we picked Zack and the kids up from school and headed to Cabazon for a little birthday shopping followed by Zack's favorite take out meal, In N Out burger :)

 Today we are bringing donut holes to share with Zack's class at school.
 We picked up the new Lego Justice League movie this morning so that he could watch it before school.

 He picked out Perry the Platypus for his birthday present from the Disney store yesterday. It was all he wanted and it happened to be on clearance for $4.99.
Zackary is such a wonderful boy! We are so lucky to have him in our family! He is helpful and kind. He recently learned how to ride his bike without training wheels! He is easily contented and could spend all day at home in his room as long as we brought him food!
Happy Birthday Zack!

F is for Farm

 Zoey and I used an oatmeal container to make a silo for our farm! It's not the best silo, but to a three year old it's just fine :)
 I had Zoey go on an animal hunt around the house looking for animals that could live on our farm. We found cows, horses, a pig, and a dog. We even found corn, pumpkins, and oats to feed our animals. Zoey used pretzels to make fence around the animals.We talked about animal sounds and food that comes from a farm.
 Zoey fed all of her animals oats. She is a good little farmer!
Next we worked on letter F.
It was a very fun morning!
Monday, September 21, 2015

Zack, Max, and Zoey

 This was Zack's homework from last week! He brought home a worksheet about his family and filled it out himself. I love his responses! Things about his family: Movie Night, Monopoly, and Family Night. All good things!
 Max has been mowing the lawn. We came outside to play on Friday night and he started edging. We are lucky to have him!
 On Saturday Max took first place at the Cub Scout Pinewood Derby!
He and Ty were thrilled.
 Today Zoey and I started another week of preschool. This week we are focusing on the letter F. Today and tomorrow are dedicated to F is for Farm!
 We read a lot of books about farms/farm animals.

 Zoey is doing really great with her letters. She made these "F"'s out of play-doh all by herself.
 I took a picture of her making a silly face....I think she looks about 16 in this picture.
She really is just my sweet little 3 year old!
 After school we swung by the store and I couldn't resist these seasonal Larabars! I love Larabars and holiday flavors are just so fun!

Friday, September 18, 2015

End of the week

 We are so excited for the weekend! Zoey was doing some end of the week worksheets this morning. There was a letter "E" maze and a letter "E" hide and seek.
 There was number identification and counting bears.
 She worked on her numbers 1-10. We are getting there!
 Next it was snack time. E is for eat after all!
Zackary joined us for cheetos. I let them have cheetos, because it's Friday!
 Zoey's monkey, Bo, had some too.
 Then it was time for play-doh, because sensory and fun is important too.
 Zoey always makes cakes and cookies with her play-doh and wants me to pretend to eat them :)
 After we dropped Zack off at school we stopped by the library for new books and movies. At home we watched Goodnight Gorilla.
The kids are expecting a fresh loaf of pumpkin bread when they get home from school. Someone may have promised it to them! Time to get baking.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

E is for Egg

 Today we read, Green Eggs and Ham. It is E is for Egg day!
We got our egg carton out to count the eggs. We are running low!
 Zoey put on an apron and we fried some eggs.
 One for Zoey and 2 for Ty. He is home today :)
 We talked about the yellow yolk and the white part of the egg.
 Zoey said she liked both parts of her egg!
Next we colored an egg and practiced E's.
 We finished with a little counting and coloring.