
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Life Lately

 Twice a week Zackary has speech sessions at a local elementary school. While he is working, Zoey and I hang out in the office lobby. She usually brings little toys or paper and pencils to keep busy with. She has started carrying a purse with her when we go out.
 Her girly-ness is delightful!

The 3rd grade wax museum is this Thursday and Max will be presenting himself as General George Patton.
 I put together a little army costume and Max really wanted a couple of grenades to use as props. I hope the school is okay with that. (Not real of course!)
 We have spent a lot of hours on this project and I know it is only the first of many!
I feel like I am in school all over again.

It is my week off from driving the carpool this week and I am very happy about it! We are having a hard time adjusting to the time change. I am starting to feel normal, but the kids are still dragging in the morning. Hopefully by next week everyone will be adjusted.

This was a good little reminder today.

Happy Tuesday!


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