
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday Things

1. Our Valentine's date was so much fun! We left the kids at home with my parents and Ty and I went to the local drive-in movie theater. Ty had made the back of the car so comfy and cozy! He covered the seats with foam and blankets. We even brought pillows! We brought our favorite candy and had a blast. It was a date night that we are already planning to repeat!

2. I love this Jeffrey R. Holland quote!

3. During Valentine's season I like to make homeade chocolate peanut butter hearts. This year I used THIS recipe.
They are dangerously delicious. I made more last night!

4. I spent most of the day yesterday reading, "Old Blood and Guts", a biography about the life of General George Patton. After much debate we decided that Max should be General Patton for the 3rd grade wax museum, so of course now I need to know everything about him! I finished the book this morning and I was very impressed with Patton. I especially enjoyed learning about his life at home with his family. The Patton family motto was, "You do your best, for if you don't you're better off dead."
I think I need to read more biographies. I love learning about people.

5.  The kids have this week off. I am excited for lazy mornings and pancakes. I know the kids are looking forward to a break from homework!

6. Here is a thought for you as we start the new week!

Have a good one :)


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