1. It's Friday! Who's HAPPY ???
We are loving this song!
When it comes on the radio I try and get all of my kids to smile while it plays.
2. Speaking of happy.....I am finding that happiness is a difficult thing to teach. I try very hard to teach my children that happiness is not a result of their surroundings or the people around them. I want them to know that they are in charge of their own happiness. This is not an easy concept for them to understand!
3. Another hard thing for children to understand.....MONEY.
Ty and I have taught many family home evening lessons that were focused on "money", it's worth, where it comes from, what it is used for, etc....
We try hard to save. We live within our means. We try not to spend our money on things that have no worth. Our kids are growing up in a time when spending money is a sport that everyone loves to play! Sometimes I want to give in and buy them everything and let them spend their own money on silly things, but I am trying to teach them a higher law.
4. Zoey just crushed her goldfish crackers all over the chair in my room.
We will work on the cleanliness lessons later....after we figure out happiness and money. (Parenting is challenging!.....but usually pretty awesome.)
I need to spend an afternoon throwing a bunch of these together!
Totally functional and not hideous like the old file cabinets your husband brought home ;)
(love you Ty!)
7. One more thing!
They are super easy to make and wonderful to have around. Max and Zoey love them. I keep them in mason jars in the fridge. The perfect afternoon snack!
Happy Friday!
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