1. I have decided that I am totally into coconut. Coconut oil, coconut flakes, coconut flour. Coconut just happens to go great with chocolate so I have been combining the two like crazy!
Healthy Dark Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Cookie Bars (made with coconut oil!)
see what I mean!!!???
2. Ty and I are going to the Nike outlet store tomorrow so that I can pick out some new running shoes! I do so love new running shoes, and I especially love Nike :)
3. Speaking of new shoes....my mom found a nice used pair of Ugg boots in my size at a garage sale for $3. I am so happy about this and so are my feet.
4. Ty has been working all weekend. I can't wait to see him tomorrow and hopefully later tonight. I still really like him!
5. It is almost time for the annual read-a-thon to begin at the kid's school. I dread this event each year, so in preparation for this year's thon, I have been keeping track of all the books we have read for the past month or so. We may be done before it actually begins. I am giddy about it. Is that wrong???
6. It's my week to drive the carpool. I guess I need to get some snacks together!
7. This is the last week of January. Let's make it a good one!
Thanks for the linkback on the Oreo Butter--coincidentally, I also made the Healthy Dark Chocolate Oatmeal Bars and recently posted about them; the coconut combo is really excellent ;)