I just read an interesting article on Why Being Busy Isn't Respectable Anymore....
I especially liked the part near the end of the piece that talked about using the word, "busy", to answer almost any question.
Life = busy
Work = busy
Family = busy
etc, etc, etc.....
I can completely relate to this. I would love to stop being so "busy".
There is a challenge at the end of the article. For one month remove the word, "busy, from your vocabulary.
What would I replace the word busy with?
When you look up BUSY in the dictionary this is what comes up:
occupied, being in use, full of activity, bustling, foolishly or intrusively active, meddling, full of distracting detail
Being busy suddenly sounds much less impressive. When I think of the word, "busy" at this point it almost seems unorganized and meaningless.
Then I looked up the word PRODUCTIVE and this is what i found:
doing or achieving a lot, working hard and getting good results, producing or able to produce something, causing or resulting in something, effective in bringing about, yielding results
I would love to replace the busy with productive.
I could answer that my life, work, and family were all very productive.
I don't think we have to erase busy and replace it with idle, but there is a lot we can replace it with that will be positive, organized, and peaceful.
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