1. All 3 older children have been busy getting ready for school Christmas programs. Zackary's program is on Tuesday night, followed by Mia's on Wednesday night, and then Max will finish us off on Thursday night. It will be a busy week!
2. Zoey does not have an official program to participate in, but she does love to sing Christmas carols! We were able to go caroling on Monday night this week. It was freezing cold and windy but Zoey still sang her little heart out. I just love that about her!
3. 2 weeks left until Christmas. I have lots of wrapping left to do and still a little shopping.
4. Our credit card number was stolen for the 4th time over the weekend. It was cancelled right away and we did not lose the money, but it is so annoying! Most of our bills are automatically withdrawn so every time this happens we have to contact everyone everywhere and change everything. I sure do wish we lived in a more honest world!
5. I have made more batches of gingerbread men this year than ever before. Suddenly they are my family's favorite cookie and I figure we had better take advantage of the season while we can.
6. Ty will be enjoying an 11 mile hike this Saturday. I hope he survives.
7. I will be at home eating gingerbread men.
Have a lovely Wednesday!
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