While we were in Utah we took a drive up Provo Canyon to the Sundance resort.
They rent bikes in the summer time and Mia loved this orange cruiser. (I did too!)
We walked around the resort for a while. It was a beautiful day in the Utah mountains!
Zackary and Mia were happy to pose for me.
Max had to be bribed.
Zoey eventually looked at the camera.
Then I joined the rest of the fam!
Next we headed for the lift!
This was an exciting experience for us. Ty's mom came along with us and she rode up with Max and Mia. It was fun to watch them. They both sat perfectly still the entire time! Ty and I had Zack and Zoey. While Zack was happy and well behaved, Zoey threw a major fit and tried to throw herself off of the lift. I held her tight in a football hold until she calmed down. It was delightful.
We did get to enjoy some beautiful views of Mt. Timpanogas.
Eventually Zoey was able to enjoy herself and we were able to stop fearing for her life.
I love Zackary's slightly nervous face in this picture!
At the top we took some time to enjoy our surroundings.
Max is our little maverick :)
Zoey with her borrowed blue binky. We were really trying to keep her happy!
This is Ty being bad.
The sign says no hiking beyond this point and as you can see he is obviously beyond that point!
It was absolutely gorgeous.
The ride down was great. At the bottom all of the kids wanted to ride again.
We decided it would be safer to take everyone out for some frozen yogurt.