
Thursday, March 28, 2013

This and That

1. I went to a Maxi Skirt party hosted by one of my friends last night. I bought a skirt for myself, one for Mia and one for my mom. Then I came home and ate ice cream for dinner, because I was being so very wild.

2. I love buying the Pound-Plus chocolate bars from Trader Joe's and chopping them up for recipes. I usually end up with a huge mess all over my kitchen counters and floors that takes forever to clean up. I stumbled across a great tip that advised using parchment paper under the chocolate to catch the mess. Best idea ever!

3.  Max spent the night at my parent's mountain house on Tuesday night. He came home around noon and we spent the afternoon at a birthday party in the desert. We got home just after 5 and quickly packed Max up to spend the night at Ian's house. This boy leads a crazy life!

4. Speaking of Max....and Mia...I opened the newest issue of the Friend Magazine yesterday and found THIS!
Mia thought it was pretty awesome :)

5. I have been thinking a lot today about Easter. Tomorrow is Good Friday. How wonderful to have a Savior. This life would be too much on our own. Heavenly Father knew we needed help and he sent us His Son! Easter is a special and wonderful time.

6. On another sort of Easter related note....What is your favorite Easter candy???
Ty and I LOVE reeses pieces
I think cadbury creme eggs are pretty much the grossest things ever.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Agree with you on the Cadbury eggs, but Michael loves them.

  2. HOW CUTE! -Is that story actually about them? It really seemed to be, they're such wonderful sweet kiddos! I'm with you on cadbury eggs thing NASTY -and I LOVE reeses pieces too! But I do love the actual reeses pb eggs because chocolate and peanut butter were made for each other :) Amen.

  3. Cadbury cream eggs taste like butt ;). What a fun thing to find in the Friend! I like you... A lot.

  4. Cadbury cream eggs taste like butt ;). What a fun thing to find in the Friend! I like you... A lot.
