
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

J is for Jack and The Beanstalk!

 This post is from earlier in the week. It is late because my computer was not working! Things are back to normal now....and so a preschool day post!
We focused on the letter J and read Jack and the Beanstalk. I read it from the Book of Virtues. We also watched a couple cartoon versions on the computer for good measure!
 Letter J handwriting practice.
 and Magic bean counting!
Since starting preschool at home with Zoey she has become less interested in television shows and other distractions. I notice that she wants to fill her time with activities like puzzles, coloring, play-doh, baking, etc...
I think it is wonderful, but it does keep me busy during the day! I am still loving our preschool sessions at home. It is such a special time with the two of us!
In other news: It is finally cool/cold! Hot chocolate weather has arrived. Sadly it seems to have brought the season of sickness with it! Ty has had a cold for several days and Mia woke up coughing today. I am lysol-ing everything in the house and hoping we can keep it from spreading. We will see!


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