1. Max has projects due every Wednesday at school. Projects involving flash drives, prints, posterboard, etc.... Today I had him sit down and put all of our information from one such assignment, together on a poster. I didn't supervise, usually I do.
Let's just say, tomorrow I get to take the whole things apart and put it back together again.
2. Conference weekend was a delight.
I enjoyed all of the talks. I felt very inspired.
The kids and I made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and I ended the weekend with 3 of them.
3. We are having another cookout tonight. We are roasting hot dogs and s'mores in the backyard.
I think we should just make it a Monday night tradition.
4. Zackary is going on his first ever field trip to the pumpkin patch on Wednesday this week. It will be his first time traveling by bus. I know he is going to be excited, but he seems so little to be going off on a great big bus. I will be so happy to pick him up after school on Wednesday and hear all about his happy, and safe, travels.
5. The high is going to be in the 70s on Thursday. I think I can plan for a morning mug of cocoa!
and butter.....
(Has anyone else noticed how gosh darn expensive butter is! Maybe it's just California.... 5$/pound! I found it today at Costco for $3/pound and bought 8 pounds.
I will try and ration it!)
7. The kids have a 4 day weekend coming up. We have a little trip to San Diego planned, and a day in the mountains. I will be looking forward to it all week!
Happy Monday!
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