
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday Things

1. We went to Costco this morning and I came home with the Pioneer Woman's new holiday cookbook!!!
I can't wait to make all the things :)

2. Also at Costco....Ty and I were able to pick out everything we would need for the kid's Christmas.
Now if we can just get to Costco without the kids at some point. That would be very convenient.

3. This morning I learned how to toast and pop quinoa on the stove. It was an important part of THIS recipe.  (Chocolate covered superfood!)

4. We are spending this afternoon carving pumpkins for tomorrow night. Ty does the carving and I roast the seeds. It makes for a happy balance.

5. Speaking of tomorrow!!! I can't believe it is Halloween already. This year I am doing something a little different for our Halloween dinner. I usually do Jack-O-Lantern pizzas, but this year I saw THESE....

Happy Wednesday!
Have an awesome Halloween :)


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